Can’t Stop Won’t Stop
To identify the barriers to standing on the Word of God and the danger of believing the messages of the enemy.
Describe a time when you, or someone you know, had a “can’t stop” and “won’t stop” attitude.
What is the best candy bar and why?
Ask Champion Group members to share some of their favorite points, examples, or questions from Sunday’s sermon. Use your own notes to help you recall your own favorite points and encourage your Champion Group members to take notes and reference them as well.
Messengers Against the Word
Read: 2 Kings 9:1-26, 1 John 4:18, Isaiah 41:10, Joshua 1:9
What promise did Jehu stand on in this passage? What made that promise trustworthy?
In what way did the messengers invite fear into the situation?
How does God feel about fear? (see scriptures in 1 John, Isaiah, and Joshua) Why is it important for us to decide not to be afraid? How can fear negatively impact our ability to standon the Word God has given us?
How much fear does God tolerate? What can you do to make sure that you do not allow fear into your life?
In what way did the messengers deliver discouragement to Jehu? How did Jehu respond to their messages of discouragement?
How has fear and/or discouragement impacted your life? Describe a time when you had to overcome fear and/or discouragement to see God’s Word fulfilled in your life.
How does entertaining fear or discouragement disqualify you from seeing the fullness of the Word of God in your life? What would have happened if Jehu had given in to the messengers and stopped his mission?
Closer = Louder
Read: Nehemiah 6:1-14
Why is it so important to shut down voices of fear and discouragement before you get into battle? What could have happened if David had allowed fear into his mind when he went to face Goliath? What could have happened to Jehu?
What voices in your life seem to get louder as you get closer to what God is calling you to do? How can you protect yourself against these voices?
Read Nehemiah 6:1-14 Why did Nehemiah refuse to come down from the wall? How did his opposition respond when he chose to ignore them? What allowed Nehemiah to act with such confidence and assurance while on the wall?
Jehu repeatedly told the messengers that he could not stop and he would not stop. What inspires you to take a can’t stop won’t stop attitude in your family, professional, or spiritual life? What does it look like when someone takes a can’t stop won’t stop attitude?
What areas of your life have you been letting fear or discouragement stop you from having a “can’t stop won’t stop” attitude? Write down the fears that you are facing and find scriptures that you can stand on as you fight fear.
Read: Luke 21:1-4
When we give, we are judged according to our own ability. While God accepted the offerings of the rich men, Jesus was careful to make special mention of the woman who gave all that she had out of love for the Lord. When we give, the Lord knows our hearts and he knows our intentions. While the woman’s offering was not impressive to man, it was impressive to God, who knew her desires and inner thoughts.
When was the last time you gave to God out of a desire to show honor to Him? With the end of the year coming up, consider what you could give to God as an offering that would show Him your thankfulness. You can do so by donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay.
Ask Champion Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.