Champion Christian Center

Sundays: 9:00AM & 11:00AM

1200 Donnan Ave. Washington, PA 15301

Text “Updates” to (724)740-4077 To Receive Upcoming Event & Special Service Notifications


Night of Worship | March 9 | CCC Washington | 6 PM

Champion is teaming up once again with Life Church for an upcoming song release, and you’re invited to be part of the experience. You don’t want to miss this!

📅 Date: Sunday, March 9
Time: 6 PM
📍 Location: 1200 Donnan, Ave. Washington, PA

Join us for a powerful night of worship and be a part of something truly special—a live recording that will capture the spirit of praise and community. Don’t miss this chance to witness fellow believers praising together and incredible music in the making! Invite your friends and come ready to worship!


Growth Track | Take Your Next Step | March 2, 9, 16 at 6 PM

We believe everyone has the next step in growing their relationship with Jesus. We want to give you the tools to take the next steps on your journey to Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Make a Difference.

The Growth Track at Champion is a guide to help you discover your redemptive purpose and live the life God created for you. With four steps, the Growth Track invites you to learn about the history of Champion, establish purpose, get equipped with next steps resources, and empower others through serving through a Dream Team.

Growth Track is now a three-class program. Participants are encouraged to engage in all three to fully complete the course. If you would like to register, but did not attend the first session, you may still register for March 9. However, if you do not attend either of the first two sessions, we kindly ask that you wait until the next round of classes.

Growth Track will be held in the Dream Team room at CCC Washington. It is located across from the staircase in the children's check-in area.

The course extends three Sundays for more opportunities for growth as a new member of Champion!

Click this link to register


Dream Team Banquet | March 14 | Venue 19 North | Doors Open 6:15 PM

If you're part of a Dream Team, you don't want to miss this event! It's a fantastic opportunity to connect with others and showcase your team spirit! Doors will open at 6:15 pm; the event begins at 6:45 p.m.


Registration closes at 9:00 pm on March 7th!

This event is for individuals currently serving on a Champion Dream Team. Children and spouses who are not serving cannot attend due to facility capacity limitations. Not a part of a team? Join one today, and don't miss out on the fun! Click here to check out our Dream Teams! Click here to check out our Dream Teams! 


Chick Church | March 21 | Doors Open at 6:30PM

Grab your Girl Gang and join Pastor Joie and the Elle ladies for Chick Church! Enjoy a powerful word from Pastor Joie, moving worship, fun snacks, faith-filled fellowship, and more! Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and service starts at 7 p.m.

*No childcare is provided.


925 Sports Superhero Training | March 29 | See Below for Details | The Armory Youth Center

925 Sports is holding Superhero Training for kids! Jump, run, and train like a real hero! Build strength, speed, and super skills with fun games and exercises designed just for kids in K-3. Get ready to power up and save the day! Come dressed in your favorite Superhero or Princess costume!

Grades K-1 | 9-10 AM

Grades 2-3 | 10-11 AM

Location: The Armory Youth Center

Sign Up to train like a superhero here!


Champion Leadership Academy | Training Up The Christian Leaders Of Tomorrow!

Are you looking to go higher in your leadership and gain a deeper knowledge of the Word of God? Check out The Champion Leadership Academy!


The Beyond Broadcast | Live on YouTube & Facebook | Wednesdays at 9 a.m.

Join Pastors Nathan & Joie every Wednesday at 9 a.m. as they go live on YouTube and Facebook for The Beyond Broadcast! You can also listen to these broadcasts on all streaming platforms, including YouTube, by searching for the Champion Christian Center YouTube channel or clicking here. Be sure to like and share the broadcast to reach the one and dive deeper into God’s word together!


Meta Student Ministries | Sundays 6pm-8pm

Calling all teenagers between 6th grade – 12th grade to join Meta Student ministries on Sunday nights at our Canonsburg campus. For more info about what Meta is and how to get connected visit

*Canonsburg Campus | 110 Belmont Ave, Canonsburg, PA 15317


Sign Up for Child Dedication!

One key step in marking your desire to nurture your child in the ways of God is to dedicate him or her to God publically, through a child dedication ceremony. For more information visit the info center or register here!

Take The Next Step and Sign Up For Water Baptism!

Water baptism is a public declaration of your love for God and represents your new life in Christ. Visit the Info Center for more information, or register here!


Post-Abortion Recovery Resources

Are you struggling with feelings of guilt and pain over a past abortion? Know that you’re not alone. We would count it a privilege to come alongside you on this journey of healing and forgiveness.

Click here to learn more


Join Us For One Of Our Many Ongoing Prayer Opportunities Throughout The Week.

#ChampionsPray Opportunities

  • Thursday Morning’s 7:00-8:00 am (Canonsburg Sanctuary)

Canonsburg Campus - 110 Belmont Ave, Canonsburg, PA 15317


Available Now on All Music Streaming Platforms

Listen to Champion Worship’s newest album “The Sanctuary Sessions” on all music streaming platforms.

Click Here to Follow Champion Worship on Spotify


Sponsor A Child With Compassion International

Compassion International is a child-advocacy ministry, pairing compassionate people with children living in extreme poverty to release the children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty. Click Here to be a blessing and sponsor a child.