Champion Christian Center

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Accessing God's Vision

Every child of God is born to fulfill a specific purpose here on earth. God alone decides your life's unique plan and purpose even before your first day on planet Earth. Psalm 139 says that God knit you together in your mother's womb and that He knows all of your days here on earth. In Jeremiah 1:5, God said, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” You will never be fulfilled and reach your potential until you discover God’s plan for your life.

Vision gives you divine insight into God’s plan and purpose for your life. Vision gives you direction and helps you understand the paths you should take in this life. The Bible says that without vision, people struggle(Proverbs 29:28). So how does one locate and secure the vision God has for your life?

Step 1: Position your heart to seek Him and His will! There was a man named Zacchaeus in the Bible who had plenty of riches, and yet his heart knew he was made for so much more. Zacchaeus decided that he would seek out Jesus for the fulfillment of his life. It is your desire that will lead you to inquire of God, and inquiring leads to encounters. Jesus would have never called out Zach and revealed his plan to him if he hadn’t sought after it. God will not reveal His vision to you as long as you don’t seek it or you feel your vision is good enough.

Step 2: Expect God will show you His Vision for your life! Today's amazing news is that God has a vision and is always willing to reveal it to those seeking him. Isaiah 48:17 says. “I am the Lord your God who teaches you to profit and who leads you by the way you should go.” God is too good; He is too faithful to fail you now! He will lead you into your destiny and order your steps as you seek Him. One way we place ourselves in expectation is through thanksgiving and praise unto God. Start thanking Him for revealing His vision for your life, and watch what God will do!

Step 3: Seek God in prayer and wait on Him. Prayer connects you to His heart and His vision for your life. Prayer causes God's hand to work in your life and your situation. If you want to know what God is thinking and what His mind is on the situation, then you have to be willing to ask Him. Daniel, in the Bible, was a man of prayer, and God gave him special wisdom and understanding in dreams and visions. Daniel asked God, and God would always answer Him and reveal his will to him. You and I are no different than Daniel. In fact, you can argue that we have a better covenant built on better promises than Daniel. In the book of Jeremiah, God said, Call to me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you are unaware of. Answers are released when you call! Take time today to go to a quiet place, take a pen and paper, and ask God to speak to you; ask Him to reveal His vision for your life. In those moments of waiting on Him, He will reveal Himself to you.

Once God reveals His vision for your life, focus on that vision, and don’t let anything distract you from fulfilling the vision. Do your part to grow the vision, and God will do His! You will discover that God’s plans and vision for your life are so much bigger and so much better! Press in today, He eagerly desires to show you fresh vision.