CLA Testimony
What an honor to have been asked to write a blog entry for “Beyond the Pulpit!” As a recent first year graduate of Champion Leadership Academy (CLA), I can honestly say I have learned how to accept the challenges God places before each of us with determination, grit, and a little moxie. For those of you too young to know what moxie is, think of it as sass!
I came to Champion Christian Center back in October, 2021, to be closer to my daughter and her family after the death of my husband. I was broken, grieving and seeking. What was I seeking? Purpose. Community. Healing. Acceptance. I’d spent my entire adult life as a wife. In that breath between he “is” and became “was,” everything changed. Coming to Champion was exactly what I needed, not knowing that God’s plan for my life as a widow had even begun to be revealed. Fast forward to March of 2022…
I attended an open house class for CLA and knew that God was preparing my spirit, and my heart, for His calling on my life. The class was informative, engaging and filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit. When I left the classroom that evening, I drove along Morganza Road and heard the Lord’s voice. He placed a calling in my heart to become a Hospice Chaplain with a focus on the Veteran/Family community. Minutes after leaving the open house, I was overwhelmed with gratitude and wonder. “Me, Lord? Really?” I had to learn to stop asking why and learn to ask why not instead!
Classes began in August of 2022, and I was grateful to get the most difficult (to me) of subjects out of the way in the first 10 weeks: Old Testament Studies. I figured if I could make it through the Old Testament, I could make it through the entire school year. I did, and am looking forward to taking on the challenges of year two. I’ve met some amazing
people who inspired me, encouraged me and love me for who I am. God has opened so many doors and closed a few windows. Living in the dispensation of His never ending grace has soothed the jagged edges of my broken heart.
CLA has changed my life in so many ways. My prayer life has become more intimate and I’ve learned the value of praying in my Secret Place. I know I am a beloved daughter of the King. I know that God has great plans for me, and that He truly works ALL things for our good. CLA has added many layers to the foundations of my faith. Because I have been actively seeking to walk in obedience to the Lord, my life has been blessed beyond measure. Has it been easy? No. Has it been worth it? Absolutely!
I would be remiss to not mention at least one of the defining moments I experienced in the classroom. During our Prayer class Pastor Nathan said, “Delay is not denial.” Think about that for a moment. Have you ever asked God for something that you desired? Have you received an answer yet? If not, remember that delay is NOT denial and that God is working all things for your good. In His timing, not yours. Sometimes we even receive answers to prayers we haven’t prayed, and this very thing has happened to me!
To God belongs all the glory for the transformative work done in my life over the past 18 months! Walking hand in hand with Jesus through the hardest times of my life has brought a supernatural peace to my being. The presence of the Holy Spirit gives me strength through my weaknesses. CLA has shown me that I am worthy in God’s eyes, that the Cross and Jesus’ sacrifice upon it gives me freedom from sin and that we are all beloved children of the King.