Encourage Others
Hello! My name is John Chillingworth and I’m the guest blogger for this week’s newsletter. I came to the Lord in 2013 and have called Champion Christian Center my home church since 2023. I serve on the Next Steps Dream Team and am committed to helping people find their next steps at Champion and in their walk with the Lord.
I have a wonderful godly wife, Lynn, and two amazing daughters, Hannah 23, and Tara 22. I love all things Marvel and my favorite food is steak. If you see me, swing by the Info Desk and say hello. While you’re there, let me know how an encouraging word has changed your life.
For this blog post, I am using the SOAP Bible Study Method. This is an easy-to-use method that helps people to read, understand, and apply the Bible to their lives. SOAP stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer.
S -- Scripture:
1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT
"So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing."
O -- Observation:
To encourage means to give courage to someone or give support, confidence or hope to someone.
The impact of a well-timed encouraging word can change a life. That's not hyperbole, I'm living proof. There have been people who have literally changed the course of my life by encouraging me. People that you know. People right here in our church. How awesome! Sometimes in life, someone sees something in you that you might not see in yourself. A word from them can nurture and give oxygen to the spark that they see in you that may literally change the course of your life. Sometimes that confidence that they have in you can carry you until you have confidence in yourself. I believe that encouragement is a gift from God.
A – Application:
I would like to challenge you as you read this blog post. As I write this, I picture you reading this on your phone or iPad or computer. Stop here for a moment and without overthinking it, pray a quick prayer asking God to put someone on your heart who would benefit from a good word from you. The first person that He brings to your mind or heart, stop and send that person a quick text message, email or phone call. Let them know that you see greatness in them and encourage them to continue, push through, dial it up, press in, or whatever is appropriate for their situation.
Go ahead and do that right now. Yep, like, now. Right this minute. I'll wait...
Did you do it? Great job! You're an encourager! I knew that you could do it. Way to go!
Now that you've done that, consider taking the next step and put a repeating reminder on your calendar for twice a week or more to send an encouraging message to someone you know.
Did you do it? Thinking about it is nice, but doing it is where the rubber meets the road. People aren't encouraged by our thoughts about them, they are encouraged by our words to them.
My last challenge for you is this. Encourage someone at church this week. Go up to someone on the Worship Team and tell them that they're doing a great job and you love how God is using them. Speak to our Pastors and let them know how much you value the words that they share with us every week and how it's helping you get closer to Jesus. Go to a member of the FIT Team and thank them for helping you find a parking spot and greeting you with a huge smile. You get the idea— when you see someone who is doing something for God's kingdom call it out. Let them know that you see them and appreciate them. Encourage them to keep up the good work. Imagine how awesome it would be if each person reading this did this for one person every week. The impact would be profound!
One of the beautiful side effects of encouraging others is that it makes you, the encourager, feel good. Like really good. You might even realize that your superpower is encouraging others! Encouraging others costs you nothing, makes you feel good, and can impact someone's life in ways that you can't even imagine. Lift someone up and you get lifted as a bonus. How wonderful!
Let's choose to be a source of encouragement for one another. A kind word, a caring ear, or a short prayer can uplift someone in our lives and give them the strength and peace of mind to keep going, to double down, to stand tall, to hang on. You literally may be an answer to someone's prayers.
P – Prayer:
Dear Lord, I pray that you bless the person reading this with the realization that they can be a blessing to someone just by sharing a word of encouragement. Father, give them the boldness to step out of their comfort zone and find a way to encourage someone today. In Jesus' mighty name, I pray. Amen