I thoroughly believe that every Christian is called to work together to fulfill God’s plan on the Earth. Whether you are in full-time ministry, praying for the people in your small group, or volunteering at church, we are all a part of God’s divine plan.
Read MoreHave you ever wondered why we start every service with praise? Praise is one way we relate to God and prepare our hearts to hear from Him. In church, praise is what allows you to not only hear from God while Pastor preaches but also internalize that message and allow it to change you.
Read MoreFall has arrived! I know some people do not particularly like the fall as they focus on the impending cold & icy winter season, but the Fall season has always been my very favorite!
Read MoreWe didn’t grow up knowing Jesus. After a long battle with substance abuse and addiction, we found recovery in the rooms of a 12-step recovery fellowship. It was there that we found each other! Nick, Andy, Diana and Julie. We are the McKinney family!
Read MoreWhat does God see when He looks at you? Does He see all of your shortcomings and failures? When God looks at you, He looks at you through the eyes of grace. He sees you through the image of His Son.
Read MoreGod doesn't want your life to be a good life! You read that right! Even people who don't know and serve the Lord can produce good results for their lives. God wants to set His children apart to demonstrate to this world what a supernatural life looks like!
Read MoreDo you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders? Whether you are a parent, CEO, entrepreneur, or manager, sometimes the responsibility of leadership can feel too heavy to bear. You may even have caught yourself wondering: Is all this pressure really worth it? Maybe I’m not cut out for this. There has to be an easier way.
Read MoreIf you’re looking for community, go to church on Sunday, however, if you are looking for a family join a Champ Group. I love Sunday mornings at Champion. It’s the place where I reflect on the highs and the lows of the week, worship the Lord in song, & get fed the Word of the Lord with a community of believers.
Read MoreStretching: pushing yourself past the point of comfort in order to attain a new level. Is God asking you to do something that is slightly outside of your comfort zone past the point of knowing you can accomplish it in your own strength?
Read MoreAs we embark on a new school year, let’s talk about your child’s kingdom impact. Forget the traditional 3 R’s—reading, writing, and arithmetic—for a moment. While those skills remain extremely important, I want to highlight something even more essential: the 3 B’s—Be Kind, Be Love, Be Jesus. These biblical principles can make your child a beacon of light in today’s hurting world.
Read MoreHave you ever had a pull on your heart that made no sense in the natural, but made perfect sense in your spirit? That was my experience when applying to the CLA.
Read More“Did you receive the Holy Spirit?!” Those were Paul's opening words to the believers when he arrived in Ephesus! Acts 19 tells us that while Apollos was in Corinth, Paul journeyed through the regions until he reached Ephesus on the coast where he encountered several believers.
Read MoreWhen I think back to my experience with Champion’s mobile Vacation Bible School (VBS) I am filled with such joy and peace. I feel blessed to have such fond memories, and I am so excited to experience it all over again this year both as a participant and a host.
Read MoreMost people in life choose to settle at such a low level of living. God's Word states that He desires us to walk in the "abundant life" (John 10:10). The Bible is clear that you are a royal priesthood, and you’re destined to reign in this life through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Read MoreAre you frustrated with where you are spiritually? Maybe, you've been a Christian for years but are bored. Maybe, you once gave God a try but have now given up on the whole God thing all together. Chances are there is a point where you stopped growing in your faith.
Read MoreBefore you were a Christian, what kinds of thoughts and desires did you have? Odds are they were probably much different from your thoughts and desires now! Part of the joy we have in Christ is living free from our sinful desires and instead embracing a desire to please God.
Read MoreHave you ever tried to go somewhere, and the place was so packed you couldn’t even make it in? That was the experience of the four men in Mark 2 while they carried their friend to Jesus. This particular passage communicated the mindset the four men had to get their friend to Jesus. Their way of thinking was "Whatever it takes!"
Read MoreAre you a Christian but still seem trapped in old patterns and desires that are contrary to your new life in Christ? Have you been white-knuckling it, trying to change but being unable to do so?
Read MoreWhether you are a parent, grandparent, legal guardian, or do not have any children at all, you will indeed interact with children at some point in your life. Sometimes there are tendencies to dismiss the young for one reason or another, but you should know that Jesus most certainly did not!
Read MoreDo you want to be a leader that people report to or a leader that people don’t want to let down? Most people have a position of authority, like being a boss, coach, or parent. But not everyone is a leader. The difference between having a position of power and being a leader is simple. People follow leaders; they comply with authority.
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