Heaven on Earth Week 3


To access the presence of the Lord by increasing our  hunger, heart, and humility.


  • Which statement best represents your Christmas shopping style: 1. I buy presents throughout the year and finish early. 2. I have barely started and am hoping I will be be able to find something for everyone on my list.

  • What part of the Christmas story is most impactful to you?


Ask Champion Group members to share some of their favorite points, examples, or questions from Sunday’s sermon. Use your own notes to help you recall your own favorite points and encourage your Champion Group members to take notes and reference them as well.


God’s Pursuit

Read: Matthew 2:1-12, Numbers 24:17, Romans 8:31-39

  • Describe how you felt the first time you experienced the Love of God. What in the Bible do you think has helped you get a greater revelation of the Love of God? Consider Romans 8:31-39 as you reflect.

  • How does our response to God determine the way he responds to us? Who in the Bible demonstrated that principle?

  • Consider the prophet Jonah’s response to God. Even when he did obey God, he did it begrudgingly and without thankfulness. How did his attitude affect the way that God responded to him?

  • Now consider king David. How could you describe his attitude toward God? What do you know about David’s life that may have helped him develop a heart of love toward God?

  • What did the star symbolically represent to the wise men? What do you think their attitudes toward God and what He was doing were like as they were following the star?

Humility Attracts Presence

References: Philippians 2:3-11, Matthew 2:1-12

  • In our society today, what are the benefits of humility? What, if any, are the disadvantages of humility?

  • Read Philippians 2:3-11. How was Jesus our example of humility? In what ways was he humble? What do you think Jesus did because of His humility, and how do you think it fueled his relationship with His Father and allowed Him to do miracles?

  • Who else in the Bible stands out to you because of their humility?

  • In what ways did the wise men demonstrate an act of humility when they entered the house where Jesus was?

  • Why is giving connected to humility?

  • Have you ever caught yourself not acting in humility toward God? What do you think are some symptoms that you have moved your heart out of a place of humility? What can you do to move back to an attitude of humility?


This week, take some time to meditate on everything that the gift of God’s son Jesus means to you. Ask God to make the reality of what He did even more real to you. As you do, submit yourself in humility to Him and ask God to help you increase your heart and passion for Him and His Plans. Use this time in prayer to begin to prepare for our corporate fast by asking God what He wants you to contend for in prayer.


Read: Genesis 22:15-18

When we give, we don’t only give expecting a blessing for ourselves. Because of God’s example of Abraham, we know that obedience in the area of giving guarantees a blessing for our entire family. If you did not yet participate in our end of the year offering, ask God what would He would have you to give and give believing that you and your family will reap the benefits.


Ask Champion Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.

Heaven on Earth Week 2


To challenge ourselves to dream beyond our natural abilities and fix our thoughts on the Lord.


  • Where do you prefer to do your Christmas shopping: online or in store? Why?

  • What is one dream for your life that you actively believing for?


Ask Champion Group members to share some of their favorite points, examples, or questions from Sunday’s sermon. Use your own notes to help you recall your own favorite points and encourage your Champion Group members to take notes and reference them as well.


Dream Bigger

Read: Luke 1:26-45

  • What was significant about God’s plans for Mary? How do you think understanding that God’s plans were bigger than her plans helped Mary throughout her life?

  • What did Mary’s song to the Lord reveal about her understanding that God’s plans were bigger than her plans?

  • What excuses could Mary have given the angel or herself?

  • What excuses do you give when you start to dream about your future? Why do you think it is so easy to discount our own abilities? How can looking at your own abilities wrongly limit your capacity to dream?

Lean on the Lord

References: 2 Corinthians 3:18, Philippians 4:8-9

  • What did Pastor Nathan say are the two lies the devil wants us to believe? Why are both of these examples of wrong thinking? What can you do to correct your thinking if you fall into one of those categories?

  • After receiving the news from the angel, what did Mary fix her thoughts on? Read Philippians 4:8-9 (NLT). What do you think it means to “fix” your thoughts? What evidence will our lives have if our thoughts are fixed on God?

  • Why is it so important for us to put our thoughts on the Lord? What can happen if we try to draw strength from our own abilities?

  • What happens when we behold the obstacles in our life?

  • Why does trusting God even when we can’t see the whole plan fuel our faith?

  • How does it feel to have your faith tested? Share a time when your faith was tested and what you did to build your faith during that time.

  • Where do you find your strength? What have you tried to use as a substitute for the grace and strength of God? Why can’t those things help us achieve the incredible plans God has for us?

  • If you are comfortable, share with the group something that you are believing for that requires the strength of God. Encourage each other by sharing the ways that you are encouraging yourself in the Lord as you stand firm in faith!


This week, challenge yourself to set at least one goal for yourself that is beyond your own personal ability. Thank God that if He gives you the plan, He will supply the power. Find something you can do this week to start on your way to that goal.


Read: 2 Corinthians 9:7

This passage points out that God can’t love someone’s gift if they don’t give cheerfully! Your attitude reflects how you view God, money, and His promise to bless you. If you desire to bless the Lord with your tithe or offering, you can do so by donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay. Consider also what you want to give as we close out 2018, and set your heart in a place where you can give whatever God asks you to give cheerfully.


Ask Champion Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.

Heaven On Earth Week 1


To learn how to confront our thoughts, words, and circle so that we can do all that God has called us to do.


  • What is your favorite Christmas cookie?

  • Would you rather get one big present, or many smaller presents?


Ask Champion Group members to share some of their favorite points, examples, or questions from Sunday’s sermon. Use your own notes to help you recall your own favorite points and encourage your Champion Group members to take notes and reference them as well.


Confront Ordinary Thoughts and Feelings

References: Luke 1:5-20, Luke 1:26-38

  • Why did Zechariah’s response provoke the angel to cause Zechariah to be mute? What did it reveal about His mindset toward the miraculous?

  • How does what we meditate on affect our ability to believe the Word of God? Describe a time when you had to fix your thinking to align with the Word of God?

  • What is the difference between ordinary and normal? What does it mean to confront the ordinary thinking in your life? How does understanding that the Word, not our situation or our earthly perspective, is truth affect your mentality toward your thoughts and feelings?

  • Why do you think it was Zechariah’s ability to speak that was inhibited in this situation?

  • Which do you find more difficult to control, your thoughts or your words? Does one lead to the other?

  • Why do Christians have to guard their mouths even more than unsaved people? What risks do we face when we choose not to master our speech?

Confront Your Circle

References: Luke 1:5-20, Luke 1:26-38, Job 4:7-8, 8:20

  • How was Mary’s response different than Zechariah’s response to the angel’s news? Why did God honor Mary and remove Zechariah's ability to speak?

  • Why did Mary choose to go to Elizabeth’s house? How did Elizabeth’s response confirm that she was a good choice?

  • Consider the book of Job. What did Job’s decision not to curse God after he lost nearly everything reveal about his thoughts and words?

  • How would you describe Job’s friends’ response to his situation? (Job 4:7-8, Job 8:20) What did it reveal about their thoughts toward God? What do you think a good circle of friends should have done for Job? How did their negativity ultimately affect Job?

  • What qualities do you look for in a Godly friend? Describe one quality you are feeling challenged to work on in yourself.


What area of your life do you think that you need to confront first, your thoughts, words, or circle? Tell your spouse or a close friend which area you are confronting this week and ask them to help keep you accountable. Write down one verse to meditate on that will help you keep the points of this week’s sermon fresh in your mind.


Read: 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

When we give generously, we can be certain that we will receive a generous harvest! God promises in His word that as we are diligent to give to Him, He will ensure that we will have enough not only for ourselves, but also to do every good work that He has called us to do. If you desire to bless the Lord with your tithe or offering, you can do so by donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay.


Ask Champion Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.