I AM - Week 4
To learn that because of what Jesus did, situations that seem impossible become possible when we get in the presence of God.
- How did you spend your Easter Sunday?
- What is your favorite kind of Easter Candy?
Ask Champion Group members to share some of their favorite points, examples, or questions from Sunday’s sermon. Use your own notes to help you recall your own favorite points and encourage your Champion Group members to take notes and reference them as well.
It’s Not the End
References: John 11:1-45, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
- How does John 11:15 describe Jesus’s attitude when he learned that Lazarus was dead? How does this compare with the way the disciples, Mary, and Martha may have felt?
- How does Mary’s attitude in John 11 compare to her attitude in Matthew 28?
- In both the resurrection of Lazarus and the resurrection of Jesus, it looked like an impossible situation. Read 2 Corinthians 4:17 out loud. What words stand out to you in this verse?
- Think about the struggle that Jesus went through from the time he was arrested. What was the glory that far outweighed the struggle?
- Describe a struggle in your life that God turned into a glory that far outweighed the problem?
- How can you keep your focus on God when you are in a difficult situation? (See 2 Cor. 4:18)
Get in His Presence
Read: Matthew 8:1-3, Acts 16:22-26
- How do we see the two women’s faith grow when they stepped into Jesus’s presence?
- What do you think kept Mary from believing that Jesus was there to raise Lazarus from the dead?
- When we fail to get in the presence of God, we are limited by our human understanding. Read Matthew 8:1-3. How did getting in the presence of Jesus change the leper’s perspective? What do you think would have happened if he had just stood in the crowd or waited for Jesus to come to him?
- Read Acts 16:22-26. How did Paul and Silas access the presence of God in the middle of their difficult circumstance? What effect did God’s presence have on their situation? Compare this situation with the resurrection of Lazarus.
- How can you access the presence of God in your own life?
- Describe a time when getting in the presence of God changed your perspective and/or the outcome of a situation that seemed difficult?
- What are the benefits you have experienced from being able to pray directly to God instead of needing to go through a high priest? How do you think your life would be different if you had to wait for a priest to get right with God?
Identify an area that feels like “the end” in your life. It could be a loved one who didn’t come to Easter Service, or a family member who got another bad report from the doctor, or a promotion that was given to someone else. Thank God that it is not the end and that He has the final say. Get in his presence, renew your faith, and write down what you believe God will do!
Today we are going to discuss how the law of sowing and reaping applied to the Son of God and how it applies to our finances as we obey God!
Read: Matthew 27:50-53
God sowed his Son Jesus by causing Him to be born on the earth and offered up as a sacrifice for our sins. Now, Jesus’s death and resurrection has allowed many others to receive life, even from the moment of His death! If the law of sowing and reaping applied in this instance, with the Son of God, how much more with our finances as we walk in obedience! If the Holy Spirit has been prompting you to give a tithe or an offering above the tithe, take a moment to obey Him! You can do so by donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay.
Ask Champion Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.
I AM - Week 3
To understand the significance of prophecies concerning Jesus and the impact His sacrifice had on our relationship with God.
What is your favorite/most useful possession?
What is your favorite praise/worship song right now?
Ask Champion Group members to share some of their favorite points, examples, or questions from Sunday’s sermon. Use your own notes to help you recall your own favorite points and encourage your Champion Group members to take notes and reference them as well.
Prophecy Fulfilled
References: Matthew 21:1-11, Zechariah 9:9, John 14:12-14
Who is the king in Zechariah 9:9? Why do you think it was important for Jesus to ride into Jerusalem on a donkey?
Why do you think God told the prophets of the Old Testament details about Jesus’ coming?
What role did Prophecy have in showing the Israelites and the Gentiles that Jesus was the Messiah and the Son of God?
What prophecy did Jesus make about his followers in John 14?
If God was faithful to fulfill his prophecy about a donkey, we can be sure He will help us fulfill His Word concerning our own lives! What else does the Word of God say about you? How has He been faithful to fulfill that word in your life?
What can you do if you are waiting on God’s Word to be fulfilled in your life?
Jesus is Our Mediator
Read: John 8:1-11, Hebrews 10:11-15, Romans 5:18-21
Why do you think Jesus prevented the law from being carried out on the woman in John 8?
How did Jesus’s actions provide a preview of what He was going to do for all of us on the cross?
Who is the “priest” referred to in Hebrews 10:12? Where is our high priest now?
What benefit do we have because of Jesus’ sacrifice? How is our situation different than the Israelites’?
How has your life been impacted by the knowledge of Jesus ultimate sacrifice for our sins?
What are the benefits you have experienced from being able to pray directly to God instead of needing to go through a high priest? How do you think your life would be different if you had to wait for a priest to get right with God?
Have you been living in the fullness of God’s new covenant with us? Ask the Lord if there is any way that you have been living at a distance. Maybe you have been holding on to a negative thought pattern, or you have let the shame of past mistakes cause distance between you and God. This is not the way He wants you to live! James 4:8 says that God will draw near to you as you draw near to Him. Spend some time in the presence of the Lord this week and draw near to Him. Ask Him to remove any distance between you and to increase your revelation of who He is.
Last week Pastor Joie Miller shared about the blessing in delighting yourself in the Lord and trusting Him to take care of you!
Read: Psalm 37:4, Matthew 6:33
When you delight yourself in the Lord, He gives you the desires of your heart! However, you need to be faithful to put your trust and your focus on Him! Even when you give, you should do so out of love rather than compulsion. Whatever you give to God, whether it be an offering or a shout of praise, do it with joy! If the Holy Spirit has been prompting you to let go of worry, fear, or worldly concerns, or to give a tithe or an offering above the tithe, take a moment to obey Him! You can do so by donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay.
Ask Champion Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.
I AM - Week 2
To follow the process from understanding who Jesus is to living with the power and authority He gives us.
How would you describe yourself in one word?
If you could get rid of one daily inconvenience, what would it be and why? (traffic, laundry, cooking, etc.)
Ask Champion Group members to share some of their favorite points, examples, or questions from Sunday’s sermon. Use your own notes to help you recall your own favorite points and encourage your Champion Group members to take notes and reference them as well.
Peter’s Process
References: Matthew 16:13-26, Matthew 7:24-27
What were the four parts of Peter’s Process? (Revelation, Impartation, Delegation, Application)
Where did Peter’s revelation about Jesus come from? Why is this so important?
Peter’s name meant stone, but Jesus calls Peter’s revelation the rock on which the church would be built. What is the difference between a stone and a rock? How can you tell if you are a rock or a stone?
What is the difference between knowing who Jesus is and using the authority He has given you? Why do you think action isn’t automatic?
He Is, So We Are
Read: Matthew 8:5-13
How does understanding who Jesus is influence how you see yourself? How does it influence the way that you view the problems and challenges you face?
What perspective was Peter using when he tried to correct Jesus after heard that He said He was going to die (a natural perspective or a Christ-centered perspective)? Why do you think he processed that information from that perspective?
What are some things that you have been dealing with from a natural perspective rather than as a child of God?
What perspective was the centurion using when he talked to Jesus in Matthew 8? How did he express his faith?
Describe a time when you processed a situation through natural eyes rather than as a child of God or when you chose to see things through your identity as a child of God!
How can you ensure that you always see things through God’s eyes? What can you do to make this choice easier and more natural?
What is something that you used to look at through natural eyes? Tell the group about it. What caused you to start seeing it through God’s eyes?
What step of the process do you think you are at? What do you think it would take to help you move from revelation to impartation, or delegation to application? This week, decide to take one step further! That may mean spending time in the word to receive a greater revelation about who Jesus is, or praying and standing in faith for a family member’s healing. Whatever it is, take this opportunity to deepen your faith and see the Great I AM at work in your life!
Last week Pastor Nathan shared about the blessing in obedience!
Read: Genesis 22:1-19
Abraham’s blessing came through his obedience to God. The Lord said to him, “You have not withheld from me your son.” When we don’t hold on to anything but are always open to give it to the Lord, we put ourselves in a place where God can bless us and trust us with more. If you want to see this principle in action in your life and desire to bless the Lord with your tithe or offering, you can do so by donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay.
Ask Champion Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.