Kingdom Keys Week 2
This week we will learn about why we can and should pray boldly and confidently before God!
What has God done in your life since the start of our 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer?
Ask Life Group members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
God is what you need
References: Genesis 45:3-8, Philippians 1:6, Luke 11:11-13
Read Exodus 3:13. Why do you think God told Moses to tell the people that “I AM” sent him, instead of the many other names there are for God?
Who do you think Moses needed God to be? What weaknesses did Moses need God to overcome in order for him to be used?
Philippians 1:6 (AMP) says, “I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return].” How does Moses’s conversation with God reflect that we can be confident that God will complete His work in us? How does Moses change through the conversation?
In Luke 11, what is God compared to? How does this comparison give us confidence in God?
Pray with confidence
References: Judges 6:11-24, Proverbs 14:26
What do you think was the difference between what Gideon saw in himself and what God saw in Him?
What does Proverbs 26 say comes when we have confidence in the Lord? What do you think it means to fear God?
When we have reverence for God, like Moses, Gideon, Paul and other mighty men of God, we have a confidence in His Word. Who else in the Bible demonstrated a strong confidence in the Lord? Share how that person has impacted your faith in God!
Make it Personal
How would you describe God in your life? What has “I AM” been to you?
What do you think holds people back from praying with confidence? What advice would you give to someone who is struggling with praying confidently and believing God?
Are there any areas where you find it easier to have faith and confidence in God? Why do you think those areas are easier?
What do you think it would look like for you to both pray and live your life with confidence in God? What effect has confidence in God had on your daily life and your prayer life?
As we close out this last week of the fast, pray that God would give you a boldness and a courage to pray confidently and to embrace the fullness of who God is. Ask God to give you a deeper revelation of who He is, who “I AM” is to you! Write down three ways you want God to work in you, and 3 ways you want to see Him work for you! Because He loves you, you will surely see the things you pray for come to pass!
This week Pastor Joie Miller shared on the principle of sowing and reaping.
Read 2 Corinthians 9:6, Galatians 6:7
When we give to God, we give out of a heart of love and thankfulness toward Him. However, we are promised a harvest! We must have faith and watch our hearts and our mouths so that we do not speak against this blessing. Instead, speak that harvest is coming back to you because of your faithfulness to His Word. If you want to see this principle in action in your life and desire to bless the Lord with an offering of sacrifice, you can do so by donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay.
Set aside some time to pray together as a life group this week on a prayer point related to our nation. Agree together and pray in the Spirit for God to move mightily in America. Ask Him to root out the evil people from our government, speak to our President, and heal our land. You can also pray along with Pastors Nathan and Joie throughout the week and add their prayer points to your time of corporate prayer.
Ask Life Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.
Kingdom Keys Week 1
This week we will discover what attitudes and attributes attract God’s favor on our life.
What is one of your greatest accomplishments? What did you have to do to achieve it?
Ask Life Group members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Joseph’s Path To Favor
References: Genesis 45:3-8
Joseph did not give up on the dream God had given him, in any situation. What in Joseph’s life proved that he did not give up?
Joseph received favor while he was a slave and while he was a prisoner. Where did this favor come from, and why do you think he was given it? Could favor have come from more than one place?
In Genesis 45:3-8, How does Joseph’s current position show the favor of God on His life? How does it show the favor of God on His brothers, the descendants of Abraham?
Paul’s Favor
References: 1 Corinthians 15:8-11, Galatians 6:14
Pastor Nathan described grace as unmerited favor, and Paul believed that He received unmerited favor from the Lord. What does it mean for grace to be unmerited favor? What can you do to increase God’s favor on your life?
What do you think Paul meant when he said that he worked harder than anyone in v. 11?
Why do you think Paul notes that he does not boast except in Christ in Galatians 6:14? How do you think pride inhibits God’s favor? Why?
Make it Personal
Pastor Nathan talked about how we cannot receive the favor we need to change levels if we are not living righteously. What areas do you think prevent people from being promoted by God?
Favor is found in the presence of God. How have you accessed God’s presence in your own life? Describe a time when you saw His favor at work as a result of spending time in His presence?
What do you think happens when people look to find favor from man through their own natural strength?
Describe a time in your own life when you had to overcome discouragement and hold on to a dream God had given you.
Continue praying and fasting this week. As you pray through your own prayer points, consider today’s message and ask God for favor in your life. Spending time in His presence will increase His favor on your life! Ask God if there is anything in your life that would hold you back from doing what He has called you to do or prevent the dreams He has given you from coming to pass.
This week Campus Director Jeff Hancher shared on how when we are obedient, God opens doors no man can shut.
Read Revelation 3:7-8
When we obey God, it opens up supernatural doors for us. God moves on our behalf in a way that causes others to give to us. So, when we obey in the tithes and offerings, God will move and show you His faithfulness! If you want to see this principle in action in your life and desire to bless the Lord with an offering of sacrifice, you can do so by donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay.
Set aside some time to pray together as a life group this week on a prayer point related to the church. Agree together and pray in the Spirit for God to open doors for Champion Christian Center and to bless us with new, unchurched people to share the gospel with. Pray for supernatural growth and for the presence of God to move mightily during our services.
Ask Life Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.