Magnify: Part V
This week’s discussion will teach us what it takes to put our life on the altar and live in a way that causes us to go to new levels.
This week we talked about leveling up! Describe a time when you leveled up in your spiritual life, career, or, other area. What did it take to level up?
Ask Life Group members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Read Romans 12:1-2, Genesis 12:1-4
In Paul's letter to the church in Rome, he emphasizes that our whole life is to be given as a sacrifice to the Lord! When we live a life of sacrifice, we are truly magnifying God. How does this perspective influence the way you live? What does it mean to life a life of sacrifice like Paul talks about?
Abraham was a man who truly lived his life as a sacrifice to the Lord. God gave Abraham an instruction before he made him a promise. Why do you think God requires obedience before blessing? What do you think caused Abraham to leave behind everything he knew to follow the voice of God?
Noah too, had to follow the voice of God and take a step of faith (Genesis 6:11-14, 18, 22). How did Noah distinguish himself from the other men on Earth? What do you think helped Noah to stay firm in his faith and obedience to the Lord?
In both of these cases, these men had the Word of God to stand on. In the story about the lame man that Pastor Nathan referenced on Sunday, the man had to continue to stand on the Word of God, even after he had been healed (John 5). Why do you think it is important to build your faith on the Word of God? How does standing on the Word ensure success?
Read James 2:14-26
We know that the Men of God in the Bible had faith because their faith manifested in actions. What role does faith play in changing levels?
In the story in John 5, Jesus gave an instruction to the paralyzed man. While the man had faith that God could heal him, he had to act on the Word given by Jesus! His obedience allowed him to move into a greater season of life! Without obedience and action, he would never have changed levels and been healed. In the same way, God needed Noah to go to a different level by acting in radical obedience to the voice of the Lord. Why do you think obedience opens the doors to new levels? In what ways have you seen this principle at work in your life?
Who in your life best lives out their faith in their actions? How have you seen them change levels by living out their faith?
We only get one chance to live! We should live our lives in such a way that we are constantly striving to attain more of what God has for us. What else drives you to constantly look to grow and become better?
Pastor Nathan says, “You can’t change levels until you deal with anything that is dysfunctional in your life.” What areas in your life are dysfunctional, or have been dysfunctional in the past? How do you address dysfunctional areas with a Biblical perspective?
What practical steps did people in the Bible do that caused them to change levels? What examples from the magnify series stood out to you? Are there other examples? What practical steps in the Bible can you apply to your own life?
This week, write down one area that you want to level up in. Ask God to show you what you need to do in order to level up, and thank Him that as you fulfill your end of the covenant, He will cause you to triumph!
This week Pastor Joie Miller talked about how the Queen of Sheba responded when she saw the way God had blessed Solomon with wisdom, influence, and material things.
Read 1 Kings 1:1-9
Solomon’s life was a testimony to the blessing that comes with obeying God. We should not envy the habits of the world! Instead, we should live our life in such a way that people look at us and see that we serve the one true God. One way we do that is by obeying him in the tithes and offerings. As we do that, he pours out a blessing on us that sets us apart from the world. If you want to honor God with an offering, you don’t have to wait for Sunday! You can do so by now donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay.
Ask Life Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.
Magnify: Part IV
This week’s discussion will reiterate the four supernatural things praise brings: Supernatural Perspective, Supernatural Presence, Supernatural Protection, and Supernatural Provision
Pastor Joie opened the message with a story about how she chose what she wanted to see in her life by only wearing her glasses occasionally. Is there anything i your life that you choose to look at or choose not to look at? What was the effect of your selectivity?
Ask Life Group members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Read Hebrews 11:1, Philippians 4:4-7
How do faith and praise/thanksgiving go together?
Can we praise without faith or have faith without praise?
When we thank God, as Paul tells us to in Philippians 4:6, we do so because we believe he has already accomplished everything we need. Pastor Joie compared it to praising a waiter before you even get to eat your meal. It requires faith that you will see what you have hoped for come to pass! Why do you think that is a challenge for some people?
How has your perspective been changed by an encounter with God’s presence? How was praise a part of that encounter?
Read Exodus 33:12-19
Moses was not willing to go anywhere without the presence of God. How did Moses praise and magnify God when he asked him to send his presence with them?
How did God respond to Moses’s praise?
God’s supernatural presence always flows out of our praise! In the same way, our complaining repels the presence of God. What were some of the things the Israelites did that repelled the presence of God? What are some things that we do that repel the presence of God?
For the Israelites, how were God’s presence and his protection related? How do you think they are related today?
God encouraged Joshua to make a memorial to the Lord to remember what He had done. What are some memorial moments in your life? How can you leverage them to build your faith and your praise?
Pastor Joie told us not to be predictable praisers. What do you think that means? Have you ever been a predictable praiser? How can you tell if you are becoming a predictable praiser and what can you do to change your habits?
How has this series changed your perspective on praise and magnifying God? How do you see yourself applying the principles of praise in your day to day life?
Pastor Joie admonished us to create a memorial stone around moments in our lives when we see God’s faithfulness. This week, take some time to find several times in your life when God provided for you or acted on your behalf. Write these stories down and tell them to your children or family members. Use them as faith-builders for generations to come!
This week Pastor Nathan Miller shared about the blessing Abraham received when he obeyed the Lord by offering his son Isaac to the Lord.
Read Genesis 22:1-18
The blessing of God did not come until Abraham put his son on the alter. When you honor God with the tithe and offering, you give him something to bless and multiply! When you couple that with your praise, you give God the opportunity to provide supernatural provision! If you want to honor God with an offering and see his blessing flow through you, you don’t have to wait for Sunday! You can do so by now donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay.
Ask Life Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.
Magnify: Part III
This week’s discussion will challenge us stop complaining, and offer a “too much” praise!
This week we talked about some over the top gestures of praise, from the woman with the expensive box of perfume to the sacrifice of praise Paul and Silas gave the Lord while they were in prison. Have you ever received or given an over the top gesture? What was it, and how did it make you, or the other person, feel?
Ask Life Group members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Read Numbers 11:4-20
The Israelites were complaining that God had not given them a variety of foods to eat. What were the Israelites losing sight of? What should they have fixed their eyes on instead? What do you think caused them, and continues to cause others, to fix their eyes on the negative?
How would you describe the Lord’s response?
In verse 16, the Lord gives a specific command. What was this command, and why do you think he gave it to the Israelites? What does that say about how God views complaining?
Pastor Nathan said that complaining is caused by having a wrong perspective. With that in mind, why should we disconnect from complainers? What causes us to have a wrong perspective?
Read James 4:10, Matthew 23:12
Which example of a “too much” praise from Sunday’s sermon stuck out to you the most? Why?
The people in the Bible who were willing to give a radical praise to God were people who were willing to humble themselves. What do you think it means to be humble and what does that have to do with praise?
Pastor Nathan said that praise causes us to humble ourselves. How do you think praise causes us to become more humble?
What does God promise he will do for the humble, according to the passage above? How was this true in the lives of those who gave God a “too much” praise?
Pastor Nathan said that we need to make radical praise a part of our everyday life! What fruits do we see in the lives of people who praise God, either in the Bible or in your own life?
What, if anything, keeps you from giving God a radical praise? Pastor Nathan said that what is radical to man is just right to God. What would it look like for you to give God a radical praise?
What would it look like for you to only allow praise to come from your mouth and stop allowing yourself to complain? What steps would you need to take to make it a reality?
This week, dedicate time to give God a “too much” praise! You could give an offering of sacrifice, dance before the Lord, or simply magnify His name! Ask God what He would have you to do and don’t back down from offering God your “too much” praise!
This week Campus Director Jeff Hancher shared about King David buying land to use as a temple to the Lord.
Read 2 Samuel 24:18-25
David had the opportunity to take the land at no cost, but he replied that he could not give to God that which cost him nothing. David honored the Lord by investing into the temple and therefore presenting an offering to God. David could have still made an offering, but by attaching his money and his heart to it, he pleased the Lord! If you want to honor God with an offering, you don’t have to wait for Sunday! You can do so by now donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay.
Ask Life Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.
Magnify: Part II
This week’s discussion will challenge us to praise God at all times and in all circumstances.
This week we talked about some over the top gestures of praise, from the woman with the expensive box of perfume to the sacrifice of praise Paul and Silas gave the Lord while they were in prison. Have you ever received or given an over the top gesture? What was it, and how did it make you, or the other person, feel?
Ask Life Group members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Read and/or review: Luke 17:11-19, 2 Samuel 6:12-23, 1 Kings 3:3-14
Pastor Nathan referenced two stories in his sermon, the woman with the Alabaster Box, and the story of David dancing before the Lord with all his might. What did each of these people do, and why was it seen as such a big deal? How did people respond to claims that these gestures were “too much”?
What do these stories tell us about the way that we should praise and magnify God? What do they show us happens when we praise and magnify God?
Reach 1 Kings 3:3-14. What did Solomon do and how did the Lord respond?
When we pour out our praise to God, he pours out His presence on us! Our desire to bless God evokes a response in HIm, however, we cannot worship or praise simply out of routine. Each of these “over-the-top” demonstrations of praise to the Lord was done out of genuine love and affection for the Lord. What tells us that their praise was genuine? How can we check our own hearts to see if our praise is genuine or out of obligation?
Review Acts 16:16-34
What were Paul and Silas doing in prison in Acts 16? How would you have responded if you were in their situation?
What did Paul and Silas learn about God through their Praise? What did their praise cause God to do?
The Bible says that other prisoners heard them singing praises to God, and even the guard was affected by their praise. How was God magnified through the situation as a whole? How did God’s response to the Praise of Paul and Silas affect the other prisoners and the guard? How do you think it affected their understanding of who God is?
We need to make our lives examples of the goodness of God, and the way we do that is by praising Him in front of others! When we praise God, his presence shows up in our lives in a way that others are affected by! Praising God ultimately gives us more things to praise Him for!
It is our job to praise God! When do you find it more challenging to praise God: When things are going well, or when you are in trouble?
Pastor Nathan referenced Deuteronomy 8:1, which commanded the Israelites to remember everything God had done for them. What can cause us to forget what God has done for us? How do we combat discouragement and complacency so we constantly are thinking about all the good God has done in our lives?
Pastor Nathan said, “It’s not that my situation changes, but that I find strength, conviction, and courage in knowing who He is.” Have you ever experienced a greater revelation of God through Praise? What did you learn and how did it affect your perspective?
This week, find an opportunity to share your testimony and praise God in front of someone else. Give God the opportunity to show up in that conversation, back His word, and demonstrate His power to those around you.
This week in our offering message, we talked about the woman with alabaster box.
Read: Matthew 6:21
When we understand who God is, we desire to bless him with our finances! We have been talking about magnifying the Lord, and giving is a way of doing just that! It shows your heart is for God and, like praise, it causes the presence of God to manifest in your life. If you want to activate that principle today and do what God says, test him in the tithe, you can do so by donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay now.
Ask Life Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.
Magnify: Part I
This week’s discussion will show us that magnifying God will lead us to victory and a greater revelation of who He is.
This week Pastor Nathan opened a new series titled “Magnify.” To magnify something means to draw something out, to emphasize. Besides God, what are some things that you emphasize and place importance on in your own life? What, if anything, determines whether you magnify that thing or not?
Ask Life Group members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Read: Psalm 54
In service this week we talked about how David’s psalms magnified the Lord, even during difficult times of his life. Let’s look at another one of David’s psalms.
It is assumed that this psalm was written in conjunction with the events of 1 Samuel 23:8-29, where David had caused Keilah to surrender and was moving around to escape Saul. However, the Ziphites told Saul where David was, and Saul pursued David to try to kill him.
What does the psalm tell us about the way David handled his situation?
At what point does David take his situation and put them on the Lord?
Does David’s psalm look similar to the way you handle negative situations? Why or why not?
Pastor Nathan said that if the devil cannot get us to sin, he will try to distract us with our situation so we stop magnifying God and instead magnify the problem. How can we come against distractions and respond in faith, magnifying God like David?
Read: Numbers 25-32
We talked about the 10 spies that gave a poor report of the land during our decree series. However, Joshua and Caleb declared that God would give them the land! How does each group’s response reflect their understanding of the character of God?
Both groups of people had the same experiences. Both had seen God deliver the Israelites from Egypt and provide for them in the desert. However, the 10 spies were focused on the potential problems while Joshua and Caleb were focused on magnifying God. What did each group reap? How did what they reap add to or detract from their understanding of who God is?
Pastor Nathan said that a limited understanding of who God is will keep you from walking in places where God wants you to walk. If you see Him as He is, it will lead you to continuous breakthrough, not just one breakthrough. Why do you think that two groups of people with the same experiences had different levels of faith in God? Why do you think most of the spies focused on their problem while only two focused on the character of God? Do you think the same things happen today?
What are some obstacles that prevent people from magnifying God?
How would your life be different if you had a fuller understanding of God’s character? What do you need to do to achieve that greater understanding?
Is there anything in your life that you magnify, or are tempted to magnify, more than God? What have the results been when magnified things other than God? How have you seen God come through for you when you chose to magnify Him above your circumstances?
This week, continue to build your faith by intentionally making time to magnify God! In Psalm 119, David said that he prayed three times away, but praised God seven times a day! Create a strategy to do what the Bible says and fix your thoughts on things above and rejoice in the Lord always.
This week in our offering message, we talked about the Shunammite Woman.
Read 2 Kings 4:8-17
The Shunnamite woman could never have produced a son without God’s power! When she gave sacrificially, without asking for anything in return, God was prompted to bless her. When we bless God, he is able to bless us in a way that humans cannot. If you want to activate that principle today and do what God says, test him in the tithe, you can do so by donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay now.
Ask Life Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.