Our Mission
Love God. Reach the One. Change the World.
Our Core Values
Faith will be our natural response. We choose to step out and believe God for the impossible. Take the risk because it’s the safest place to be.
Dream Bigger
There is no limit to what our God can do. He has a dream and purpose for each person that goes far beyond what we can imagine, so we choose to dream big and see what He can do!
The One
The One matters most. Leave the 99 and go after the one!
Stand United
We stand together under the vision that God has given Pastors Nathan & Joie. We will work together in unity and protect our leaders and the vision God has given them.
Be Generous
We are blessed to be a blessing; we will give with the belief that "eternity is impacted by our giving" because it is! We will stop at nothing to see the Kingdom advanced and Jesus glorified.
Create a Culture of Honor
We will model honor in our relationships. It honors God to honor His giftings and talents upon each other.
Spirit of Excellence
We believe in maintaining excellence in everything that we do. Having a spirit of excellence directly connects to living by the standards of God's Word and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
Our Beliefs
We Believe…
there is only one true God who is the Eternal King, Creator, and Redeemer of all. He is perfectly holy, just, loving, and truthful. He has revealed Himself to be eternally self- existent - one being in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible and authoritative Word of God.
humankind was created in the image of God to know and enjoy Him, yet we willfully rejected the Lordship and glory of God for which we were intended. Because of this, sickness, death, and judgment entered the world and now creation experiences the effects and consequences of sin.
the Lord Jesus Christ, the one and only Son of God, was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin, Mary, and is God's Anointed One, empowered by the Holy Spirit to inaugurate God's Kingdom on earth. He was crucified for our sins, died, was buried, resurrected, and ascended into heaven. He is now alive today in the presence of God the Father and in His people. He is "true God" and "true man."
that we are saved by God's grace, through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Anyone can be restored to fellowship with God through repenting, believing, and receiving Jesus as their Savior and Lord. The Holy Spirit, convicts, regenerates, justifies, and adopts us as we enter the Kingdom of God as His sons and daughters.
in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit. The Christian is enabled to live holy and minister super-naturally. The baptism of the Holy Spirit according to Acts 1:4-8 and 2:4 is poured out on believers that they might have power to be witnesses.
In the victorious redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides freedom from the power of the enemy, sin, lies, sickness, and torment.
the Church consists of all who put their faith in Jesus Christ. He gave His church the ordinances of Baptism and Communion. The Church exists to carry on the ministry of Jesus Christ and further advance His Kingdom by undoing the works of the enemy, preaching and living the good news of God's love, discipling the nations, baptizing and teaching them to love and obey God.
in the ever-increasing government of God and in the Blessed Hope, which is the glorious visible return of our Lord Jesus Christ for His overcoming bride - His church. Heaven and hell are real places. There will be a resurrection of the saved and the lost, the one to everlasting life and the other to everlasting death.