As For Me and My House Week 5
To understand the impact consistency has on children’s spiritual development.
We got to see some fun dance moves this weekend! What is your favorite dance move?
How would you describe your parenting style?
Ask Champion Group members to share some of their favorite points, examples, or questions from Sunday’s sermon. Use your own notes to help you recall your own favorite points and encourage your Champion Group members to take notes and reference them as well.
Leading Your Children
References: 1 Samuel 13:14, 2 Samuel 11:4-5, 17, 2 Kings 11:1-13, 2 Chronicles 1:7-12, 2 Chronicles 12:1
How would you describe David’s lifetime relationship with God? Would you describe him as a consistent role model, why or why not?
How did David’s son and successor Solomon’s relationship with God look? Why do you think Solomon ultimately stopped serving God and served other idols?
How did Solomon’s actions affect his son, Rehoboam? How did Solomon become a product of the culture he let himself be in?
What does change in relationship with God from David to Solomon to Rehoboam show you about what to do to help your kids develop a consistent, personal relationship with God?
What can you do to help your children learn how to cultivate their surroundings so that they grow in their relationship with God?
What did you learn from hearing from kids who grew up in a home where a consistent, personal relationship with God was prioritized by the parents? Did it give you any ideas for ways to lead your own family differently?
Tall Ceilings
Read: John 13:5, Luke 9:46-48
Christians are supposed to follow the example of Jesus on the Earth. How did Jesus treat His disciples?
What insight does Jesus’s treatment of His disciples give us as to our priorities as leaders and teachers of our children?
What do you think it takes to lead your family well? How have you changed your philosophy over the years, and even the past weeks?
What do you think is your primary goal as parents? What steps are you taking to ensure that you achieve that goal?
Set goals with your kids for daily prayer and Bible reading. Help them establish a pattern and hold them accountable. If you struggle with establishing a daily pattern, determine what time each day you will read your Bible and pray so that you can be a consistent example to your children--current or future!
Read: Deuteronomy 15:6
We know that the Bible shows us God’s instruction to give 10% of our income as a tithe to the Lord. To the natural man, it may seem foolish to give so much of your paycheck, but we know that God promises in Deuteronomy that we will not need to borrow from others. In fact, we will be the ones people ask to borrow from. So, we know that even though we give 10% of our income to the Lord, we will not lack. In fact, we will be blessed abundantly.
If you haven’t already, take some time today to honor the Lord by giving your tithe or offering! Thank the Lord that He has given you everything you need to prosper. You can do so by donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay.
Ask Champion Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.
As For Me and My House Week 4
To evaluate the role parents have in creating a solid foundation for their kids.
What was your favorite subject in school?
Share a funny 1st day of school memory from either your own childhood or your children’s experience.
Ask Champion Group members to share some of their favorite points, examples, or questions from Sunday’s sermon. Use your own notes to help you recall your own favorite points and encourage your Champion Group members to take notes and reference them as well.
Leading Your Children
References: Genesis 22:1-14
What did Abraham teach his son when he said, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering”?
How did Abraham treat his son differently than he treated his servant? Has there ever been a time when you treated your child as a servant instead of a son?
Why do you think it is important that your children see you actively serving God, praying, and reading the Word? When you were growing up, did you see your parents praying? How did either seeing them pray or not seeing them pray affect your faith?
What, if anything, holds you back from sharing spiritual moments daily with your kids? How do you incorporate spiritual things into your daily routine and make sure your kids are a part of them?
What challenges do you face in leading your children? How has your perspective changed throughout this series?
Tall Ceilings
Read: Joshua 2:1-14, Matthew 1:5-6, John 15:1-4
What is something that your parents did that set you up to be more successful than they were spiritually, financially, or personally?
How did Rahab ensure that her children would have a different starting point in life than she did? What was the results of her efforts?
How did King David’s struggle with lust ultimately affect his son Solomon?
What was an area where your parents struggled that you have decided will end with you?
How does Jesus set an example of what a good gardener does? How can parents be like gardeners in the lives of their children?
What can you do if you see bad fruit being produce in your child’s life? How can you address it in a way that honors God?
Identify at least one time every day that you can engage your child in prayer and spiritual conversations. If you don’t already do this, challenge yourself to set a routine over the next few weeks where you pray with your child every day, whether that is at bedtime or while you are driving in the car. If you don’t have kids yet, continue to grow your own spiritual walk and challenge yourself to spend an extra 10 minutes in prayer every day this week.
Read: Malachi 3:7-9
Everything in the Earth belongs to God. When we refuse to give Him what he asks of us, we put ourselves in a situation that God cannot bless! In this passage, the Israelites were asking God what they needed to do to return to God, and God responded that they needed to get their priorities right with their money so that He could bless them in accordance with His covenant promises. When we give to God what is His in the tithe and offering, we are putting ourselves under His covenant protection.
If you haven’t already, take some time today to honor the Lord by giving your tithe or offering! Thank the Lord that He has given you everything you need and more! You can do so by donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay.
Ask Champion Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.
As For Me and My House Week 3
To understand the roles of parents as shepherds, gate-keepers, and coaches.
What is your favorite thing about your children?
What was one rule your parents had when you were growing up that you especially disliked?
Ask Champion Group members to share some of their favorite points, examples, or questions from Sunday’s sermon. Use your own notes to help you recall your own favorite points and encourage your Champion Group members to take notes and reference them as well.
Pass it On!
Read: 2 Timothy 1:2-5
What did Paul indicate can be transferred from one generation to the next in 2 Timothy 1? Where did you receive your faith from? Have you ever seen someone who received their faith from their parents?
If you didn’t receive spiritual training from your parents, who taught you how to live a Christian life? What did they do to help you learn how to serve God and get to know Him?
In what ways are parents like shepherds? Shepherds protect and lead sheep away from harm. What are your roles as a shepherd of your kids?
What can you do to ensure that your children see you demonstrating what it means to be a Christian? What kinds of things should you do in front of them?
What is a spiritual legacy? How can you leave a spiritual legacy for your children? What would a strong spiritual legacy look like?
Discipline in Love
Read: Hebrews 12:5-11, Colossians 3:24
What does the Bible say about how God disciplines us? In what ways have you seen the Lord discipline, either in the Bible or in your own life?
What allows us to receive discipline from God or people? How is it different to receive discipline from the Lord than from people?
What do you believe the Bible says about disciplining our children? Why do you think the Bible encourages parents to discipline their children?
What does Colossians 3:24 have to say about discipline? How can we be sure that we are disciplining in a way that builds up rather than tears down our children? How can we practice encouragement and coaching while still being consistent in discipling our children?
Describe a time that your own parents disciplined you and consider how that correction set you up for success later in life.
Describe a time when you were led by the Holy Spirit with regard to disciplining your child. How did He speak to you? How did your child respond?
How are you like a gate-keeper in your home? How does controlling what you do or don’t allow affect your child’s spiritual development?
Think about what kind of spiritual legacy you are leaving for your child. What are you doing intentionally to ensure that they have a strong spiritual foundation and that your ceiling becomes their floor? Decide with your spouse (if married) on three things that you want to see your children develop spiritually and three things you can do to make sure they develop them.
Read: 1 Timothy 6:10
Oftentimes when we hear someone quote from 1 Timothy 6, they are making an argument about why Christians should be poor. However, this verse makes it clear that it’s not the amount of money, but rather a love for money! When we consistently put God first in the tithe, it protects our hearts from becoming too attached to material wealth and shows the Lord that He is the one that we love with all of our hearts. As we continue to give, God will pour out his blessings on us more and more (Luke 6:38).
If you haven’t already, take some time today to honor the Lord by giving your tithe or offering! Thank the Lord that He has given you everything you need and more! You can do so by donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay.
Ask Champion Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.
As For Me and My House Week 2
To understand the importance of honoring our spouse and others who we have relationships with.
What couple(s) do you look up to in the way they live out their marriage?
What does the word “honor” mean to you?
Ask Champion Group members to share some of their favorite points, examples, or questions from Sunday’s sermon. Use your own notes to help you recall your own favorite points and encourage your Champion Group members to take notes and reference them as well.
References: 1 Peter 2:17-19, 2 Timothy 2:21, Ephesians 6:2, Colossians 3:19, 1 Peter 3:7, Ephesians 5:30-33, Proverbs 18:21, Romans 12:10
Why did God put man as the head over woman? What are his responsibilities? How can a woman find protection in honoring her husband?
Why is honor important in our relationships? (husband/wife, parent/child, boss/employee, pastor/church)
How can we show honor to others? Describe a time when you chose to show honor despite negative circumstances. What reward does honoring others have, specifically honoring your spouse?
What type of attitude do we need in order to give/receive honor? (see Proverbs 18:21)
How does honoring our spouse (or boss/parent/etc.) show honor to God and His Holy Spirit?
Read: James 1:19, Hebrews 10:24-25
What are some barriers that people face when connecting with our Heavenly Father? What things prevent us from having intimacy with Him? Are these the same as or different than the things that prevent us from connecting with our spouse? (See James 1:19
How did God pursue us?
How can you remain connected to your spouse even in a difficult or challenging time?
Describe a time when you pursued connection with someone and how they responded to your efforts.
How often do you think you should be emotionally intimate and engage in meaningful communication with your spouse? (See Hebrews 10:24-25) What topics of conversation help promote connection and unity?
Outside of conversation, what else can you do pursue and increase connection with your spouse?
What can you do if you feel there has been a breakdown in communication? How can you use honor to correct the situation?
Ask your spouse (or person in another close relationship with you) to honestly describe how honored you make them feel. Use their feedback to plan ways that you can intentionally treat them with greater honor this week! Look up some of the verses under the “Honor” heading above to give you some ideas.
Read: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11
When we give to God because we love Him, we are giving an offering that God can bless! As we express our love to God with greater gifts, we show Him that even though He is blessing us, we value Him so much more than what is in our hand. The more we give, the more He promises to supply so that others will give thanks to God!
If you haven’t already, take some time today to obey the Lord by giving your tithe or offering! Thank the Lord that He has given you the instructions you need to prosper! You can do so by donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay.
Ask Champion Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.
As For Me and My House Week 1
To evaluate the kind of foundation on which we are building our relationships.
What is one date every year that is special to you and/or your family? How do you celebrate/honor that day?
What is your favorite thing about your spouse? If you aren’t married, what do you hope to find in a spouse?
Ask Champion Group members to share some of their favorite points, examples, or questions from Sunday’s sermon. Use your own notes to help you recall your own favorite points and encourage your Champion Group members to take notes and reference them as well.
Firm Foundation
References: Genesis 2:18-24, 3:1-6, Matthew 7:12-27
What do you think it was like for Adam to be alone in the garden and receive instruction directly from God?
Why do you think that the serpant was able to trick Eve into eating the fruit? Why didn’t he go after Adam? Taking this into account, how can you ensure that the enemy cannot trick you? How can you ensure they cannot trick your spouse?
Why did God have to remove both Adam and Eve from the garden? Why couldn’t they have been separated?
How does knowing that you and your spouse are (or will be) one flesh affect the way you look at your own relationship with God?
Why is a firm foundation so important in our relationships?
How do you ensure that your foundation is secure and constantly being strengthened?
Proper Order
Read: Genesis 22:1-18
When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, what was he testing? How did Abraham respond?
If Abraham was building his life on his son, his wife, or even the promise God made him, how might he have responded?
What is the danger in putting another person or thing in a position of greater importance in your life than God?
How can you tell if a relationship is built on the Lord? What are the signs of building a relationship on your spouse, an expectation, a dream, a career, etc.?
How does building your life on God affect your heart? How does it promote wholeness?
How would your marriage, or relationships, look different if you believed that they were the way God defines them in the Bible?
Evaluate the foundation of your life. Are you easily swayed by difficult situations? Do you find yourself questioning your identity when your spouse criticizes you or your children don’t act the way you want them to act? Ask the Lord to identify any person or thing you have made more important than Him in your life. Ask the Lord to forgive you, and ask Him to show you clearly what His Word says about you.
Read: Genesis 22:1-18
When Abraham showed God that he loved and honored Him more than his own son and more than the promise of having numerous descendants, God knew that He could trust Him with more. When we honor God with our tithes, we show him that we value Him more than our car, our vacation, or anything else we could have spent the money on, and we show Him that we can be trusted with more too!
If you haven’t already, take some time today to obey the Lord by giving your tithe or offering! Thank the Lord that He has given you the instructions you need to prosper! You can do so by donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay.
Ask Champion Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.