Settle It
To look at the example of the widow with the jar of oil and learn how to settle in your heart that you will do your part and believe God for your miracle.
Which is better, real or fake Christmas trees?
What was your favorite childhood Christmas tradition?
Ask Champion Group members to share some of their favorite points, examples, or questions from Sunday’s sermon. Use your own notes to help you recall your own favorite points and encourage your Champion Group members to take notes and reference them as well.
Use What You Have
Read: 2 Kings 4:1-7, James 1:22-25
What was the background of the widow’s family? Why did she go to Elisha for help? What does this tell us about the benefits of serving the Lord as a family?
How did the widow’s attitude toward her belongings differ from Elisha’s attitude?
Describe a time where God used something that seemed insignificant in your life to provide for you or answer a prayer.
What commands did Elisha give the woman? What role did obedience play in her breakthrough? What would have happened if she did not collect all the vessels she could find?
What does James 1 have to say about obedience to the Word of God? How does obedience show that you have “settled it” and believe God?
Remember God’s Goodness
References: Matthew 9:18-19, 23-26, Proverbs 4:23
Why did Jesus shut the door in Matthew 9 before he healed the girl? What would have happened if she had not shut the door? Describe a time where you had to “shut the door” on some of the people in your life in order to see your miracle.
Read Proverbs 4:23. How does this scripture apply to faith? What does it mean to guard your heart? How does guarding your heart help you “settle it”?
How can you shut the door on negative voices in your life? What should you do if you are one of the negative voices in your own life?
How can you determine if you have really “settled it” in your heart? What is the fruit of a settled heart? What things are in the life of someone who is not settled?
If God has the power to meet all of our needs, why do we need to speak life over our situation? Why does thankfulness bring increase in our lives?
What areas or issues in your life do you need to settle?
Read: Psalm 24:1
When we have an understanding that everything on Earth belongs to God, even “our” money and possessions, it changes our attitude toward giving! When we tithe, we are giving God back what he requires of us and honoring the one who gives us everything! If you desire to bless the Lord with your tithe or offering, you can do so by donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay.
Ask Champion Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.