The Light Has Come: Part II
This week we will learn how Jesus made a way for us to carry the glory of God and be encouraged to share that the light has come!
The shepherds were the first to hear the amazing news that Jesus had been born! What was it like for you the first time that you realized everything Jesus had done for you?
Ask Life Group members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Prophecy Fulfilled
References Isaiah 11:1-4, Jeremiah 31:31-34, 1 Kings 9:5, Ezekiel 7:11-14
Israel had once been a great, feared nation, but because they did not obey God, he turned them over to their enemies. The kingdom of Israel was destroyed, and even though the Israelites were living in their land again, they were under Roman rule. If you were an Israelite, how would you feel about the prophecies about a Messiah?
How did Jesus fulfill the prophecies above?
God promises to bring life out of dead places! Give some reasons as to why the “stump of Jesse” seemed dead. What are some dead areas in your life? What were some dead areas in your life which, when God intervened, gave new life?
Share the Good News!
References: Luke 2:16-18, Mark 1:40-45, John 8:12, Luke 2:22-35, John 12:35-36, Matthew 5:14-16
The shepherds, Simon, and Anna all positioned themselves to be used by the Lord. How can we position ourselves to be used by the Lord? What barriers can limit our ability to be used by the Lord? How do they limit our effectiveness?
What does Jesus mean when he says that we are the light of the world in Matthew 5:14-16? How does our identity as the light of the world coincide with the prophecy in Ezekiel 7:11-14? How can we use the spirit of God in us to convince others of His power, authority, and saving grace?
Make it Personal
Jesus represented hope to the people of Israel. How has Jesus represented hope to you? What testimonies do you have of God’s faithfulness?
Share about a time when you used your testimony to show someone else that Jesus is the light of the world. How did you find that opportunity to share and how did the other person respond?
As part of our Invite Wars competition, we are encouraging everyone to invite their friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. to our December services and Christmas Eve Service. Brainstorm a list of people you want to invite and find a friend to help hold you accountable to inviting them. We want everyone to know that the light has come!
This week Pastor Nathan Miller shared on the young boy who gave his five loaves and two fish.
Referece John 6:1-14
Whatever we give to God determines our harvest. The young boy in the story obeyed God and gave his food in faith that Jesus would use it to in a way where he would not go home hungry. Not only did he not go hungry, but just like God promises, he received back more than he had given! If you want to see this principle in action in your life and desire to bless the Lord with an offering of sacrifice, you can do so by donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay.
Ask Life Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.
The Light Has Come: Part I
This week we will discuss what we need to do if we want to see God’s plans for our lives come to pass. 1) Reset 2) Receive 3) Rest 4) Rejoice
What is the biggest dream that you have for your life? Pastor Nathan said, “God will give you a promise that will be bigger than you could ever do on your own in your life!” Today we will look at the ways that we can increase our capacity to dream bigger and see God fulfill all the plans He has for you!
Ask Life Group members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Read Romans 12:1-2, Genesis 12:1-4
We can only believe in accordance with how big our capacity is. As we studied the lives of Zachariah and Mary, we saw that Mary had a greater capacity to believe God than Zachariah did. What factors do you think help people believe in God? What factors might inhibit their belief? How have you overcome doubt to believe God for something that seemed impossible?
Matthew 1:18-25
Pastor Nathan said, “If you don’t expand your capacity, you’ll stay stuck where you’re at.” Each of us has a certain measure, or capacity, of faith. What are the dangers of failing to increase your capacity to believe God?
Joseph did not start out with the same capacity to believe as Mary did, but when the Word of God came to him through the angel, he set his heart in a place to receive. What in the passage shows us that Joseph was a man who believed and trusted God?
Once he heard the Word of God from the angel, Joseph accepted it as truth. What do you think allowed him to increase his capacity to believe God beyond what he already knew?
Luke 1:35, Psalm 27:5, Psalm 91:1
Mary found herself under the shadow of God. What does the Word say we will find in the shadow of God?
What evidence do we see that shows us that Mary was finding rest in the presence of God?
How can we find ourselves in the secret place? What does staying in the secret place give us?
Luke 1:42-45, Nehemiah 8:10
Pastor Nathan said, “If you start rejoicing before the promise comes, you will have the joy and strength you need to endure and obtain the promise that is before you.” Why do you think we are able to rejoice before we see God’s promise fulfilled?
Why do you think joy comes when you rejoice and praise God?
Do you find it easy or hard to rejoice before you see His promises fulfilled? How will continuing to learn how to rejoice allow God to fulfill His plans in your life?
Which of the four areas Pastor Nathan preached on do you need to improve on in order to see God’s plans fulfilled in your life? What are some practical ways you can improve? Share with the group and decide to implement those practical habits and attitudes in your daily life this week!
This week Campus Director Jeff Hancher talked about Solomon’s many offerings to the Lord
Read 1 Kings 3:4-14
Solomon did not stop at what was normal or required by the law. He gave above and beyond in a way that caused God to honor him in a way that was not normal! God made him so rich in wisdom, power, and wealth, that he stands out as the most wise and powerful man there ever was! As we prepare to give in next week’s Miracle Seed Offering, pray about what gift you can give to honor the Lord. You can also give now by donating on the Champion Center App or through PushPay.
Ask Life Group members to share any prayer requests or testimonies they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Take time to pray and ask if anyone would like to receive salvation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, or prayer for a physical need.